10 Things You Can Do With AV to Improve Your Conference

An Introduction

Every conference's success is influenced by impact, communication, comfort, funds, and time. With a bit of Audio Visual knowledge, you can easily add effect to your conference, actively involve your attendees, boost the confidence of your presenters, and, most importantly, create an event that people will talk about for months, if not years. Read on to learn more about the ten things you can do with AV to enhance your conference:

  1. Planning ahead of time saves you time, comfort, money, and stress.

You will be able to communicate your needs to us and overcome issues early on, rather than having budget blowouts or making significant compromises after the planned event.

  1. Operators relieve your discomfort.

A trained professional should always manage the technical aspects of your conference. Therefore,we recommend hiring an experienced Audio Visual Technician to operate your conference's sound, vision, and lighting.

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Hire Audio Visual

  1. Prepare Your Presenters with a Prep Room

Your Presenters will be able to coordinate with your Conference Organiser and get the technical aspects of their content organised with their Operator.

  1. Your audience will be pleased if you have the right vision.

Almost every conference includes visual content on a screen. It enhances the impact and engages the audience. As a result, it's critical that your audience can comfortably see your screens.

  1. Consider the following for your screens:
  • Viewing distance about screen size: Will the detail on the screen be visible to the audience in the back of the room?
  • Room's ambient lighting: Will the light in the room cause the screen to fade?
  • Screen height: Is the screen high enough so everyone can comfortably see the entire screen?
  • Possible room impediments: Is there a pillar or other obstruction in the room that could interfere with the screen's visibility?
  1. A Comfort Screen Provides Control

The comfort monitor, or video foldback monitor, lets your presenter keep a close eye on the content without interrupting their presentation or moving their head away from the microphone to discuss the content on screen.

  1. A Countdown Timer Can Help You Stay Focused

A countdown timer on stage will help your presenter stay on track and adhere to your tight schedule. A countdown timer can be readily displayed on a comfort monitor and managed from the Control Desk.

  1. Energise Yourself With Audio Stings

You can do a lot with audio stings, which can be as simple as a musical sample or as complex as a mix of music, voice-over, and soundbites. Add sophistication by pre-recording unique stings for each presenter as they enter and exit the stage.

  1. Brighten the atmosphere

How do you keep your audience engaged and excited in a bland conference room? You can easily add impact and mood to a dull room with additional lighting.

  1. Make a recording of it so you can share it later.

You can easily record the audio of your entire conference with a professional operator on board. Then, you can share the audio with your attendees later or sell it as an add-on product for those who couldn't attend.

The Bottom Line

You will immediately impact by incorporating all or even just a few of these ideas into your next conference. The most crucial aspect is incorporating AV into your plan; don't leave it until the end. The second most important item is having a trained Operator handle the technical aspects of your conference; you will gain tremendous peace of mind.

  • Or give us a call on +613 9372 5266 and speak with one of our friendly staff.